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The Relationship Loop: SuperOffice's Innovative Approach to the Customer Journey

The Relationship Loop: SuperOffice's Innovative Approach to the Customer Journey

The customer journey was created in 1985.

Nearly 40 years ago!

And while we love the concept of mapping each stage of the customer experience - from initial need to problem resolution - we also wanted to find a way to build on it.

Something that represents our core values and something that we could own, while at the same time, paying respect to the original customer journey.

We’ve found it - and we hope you like it.

We call it The Relationship Loop.

Let’s take a look at what The Relationship Loop is, why it matters and how you can use it to reduce churn, increase CLV and improve customer satisfaction.

What is The Relationship Loop?

The Relationship Loop is our take on the customer journey.

We developed it because relationships matter in business, and marketing across the customer journey is critical to business success.

Using marketing to build bridges between sales and customer service across the loop provides companies with incredible opportunities to strengthen customer relationships.

Introducing the seven steps of The Relationship Loop

Every customer has seven key phases during their relationship with your company;

  1. Research
  2. Awareness
  3. Evaluation
  4. Purchase
  5. Retention 
  6. Expansion
  7. Advocacy

To help you start your Relationship Loop, let’s look at what happens in each phase, the customer and business motivations during each phase, and how you can influence it.

1. Research

During the research phase, your potential customers start thinking about how to solve their business problems.

They’re not ready to buy - in fact, they may not even know what to buy or look for - but they want to find a way to remedy their issues.

As a business, you want to be able to capture this early intent and position yourself as an expert coach to offer the prospect confidence. 

Using tools like SuperOffice’s forms, you can turn your website into one big lead magnet that captures the details of the people in research mode who want to learn more.

2. Awareness 

By the time they’ve been through the research phase, they should be in the ‘Brand Aware’ phase - becoming familiar with brands offering a potential solution to their problem.

As a business, your job is to move them onto being ‘Most Aware’ and help them get to know your brand particularly well.

One of the best ways to do this is through email marketing, mainly automated email sequences tailored to the types of problems your customers are looking to solve.

SuperOffice’s email marketing editor helps you to create, schedule, and track personalized email sequences using AI to create images, suggest headlines, and even adjust the tone.

3. Evaluation 

This is where your lead goes from generally interested to thinking more about your specific product, looking at everything from pricing and features to online reviews and comparisons.

As a business, these leads become more valuable as the intent has gone from background research and becoming aware to thinking more seriously about your product as a solution.

One tool that SuperOffice offers to help with this is our ‘if this, then that’ automation feature.

You can use it to track link clicks from individual leads and trigger the delivery of highly specific informative content that’ll preempt their needs and turn them into prospects.

4. Purchase 

By now, your prospect has moved through the research, awareness, evaluation, and purchase phases and is ready to purchase.

They want to talk to a sales rep and hear confirmation that all their research up to this point has paid off and that they’re making the right decision to invest in your product.

Your marketing team can play a huge role here by providing sales enablement content and documentation that the sales team can use to influence the prospect.

Using SuperOffice makes surfacing these documents easier than ever for the sales team, with our document integration technology that helps store and distribute this collateral.

5. Retention 

The customer has chosen your product to solve their problem and needs to get value from it.

As a business, you need to do everything in your power to retain this customer - and the revenue they bring in - by helping the customer unlock value from your product.

This could include onboarding guides, help center articles, training videos, and anything else needed to give your customers the best chance of achieving real value with your product.

Using SuperOffice, your marketing and service teams can work to create ‘best in class’ experiences using the customer portal, knowledgebase, and live chat features.

6. Expansion 

As your customer reaches the expansion phase of The Relationship Loop, they’ve already received significant value from your product or service, and they want more.

As a business, you want to capitalize on your customers' experience to this point by presenting them with relevant and timely upsell and cross-sell options.

These expansion opportunities could take the form of upsells - like moving the customer onto a different pricing tier for your SaaS product - or cross-selling new products to them.

One way to achieve this with SuperOffice is to use our advanced data analysis tools, dashboards, and reports to help you identify key segments to target.

7. Advocacy 

Advocates can become ambassadors for your brand and start word-of-mouth marketing to their network on your behalf.

However, fueling this growth engine can happen in several ways, and one of the easiest for marketers to get started with is integrating advocates into their content.

Your marketing team can use SuperOffice to create targeted email campaigns inviting your customers to participate in or to distribute new content to leads and complete the loop.

Of course, it goes without saying that managing all seven steps of The Relationship Loop is only possible with the right tools.

So, consider a CRM to help your marketing team strengthen relationships throughout The Relationship Loop.

How can a CRM help marketing manage The Relationship Loop

Building this growth engine requires your marketing, sales, and service teams to align on a common goal.

To do this successfully, you’ll need a central source of the truth regarding customer data and communications.

A unified CRM platform like SuperOffice helps to bridge the gap between marketing, sales, and service to create a 360° view of the customer across The Relationship Loop.

SuperOffice offers several features to help you build more profitable customer relationships, including;

  • Enhanced filtering and segmentation to target specific types of customers
  • Advanced marketing and personalization options to tailor every message
  • Build relationships across multiple touchpoints like chat, email, and portals
  • Easy to use automation to deliver messages exactly when customers need them
  • And much, much, more…

Ready to turn your marketing team from lead generators into relationship builders?

Book a demo of SuperOffice today and learn how your marketing team can thrive alongside your sales and service teams to build profitable relationships using a single CRM platform.